Sunday, July 14, 2013

Blog#4 KOICHI SATO(Kohei)

This is a photo of Koichi Sato. He is one of the most famous acters in Japan. Besides working as a acter, he is a visiting professor on the field of art in 東北芸術工科大学. His father Rentaro Mikuni is also a big acter. He is famous for 釣りバカ日誌. I like Koichi Sato because of his acting, face, hairstyle and voice so I chose him. He usually wears a suit but it is little different each time.

He appears in so many movies and dramas. You see him in TV commercials often, dont't you? Now, he is 52 years old but he is still  so cool. He has medium long hair and a beard. He looks little severe but in fact, he  is a humorous person as a photo below.

My favorite movie what he appears is 最後の忠臣蔵. Please check here.


  1. Hi, I'm Kumi. I like Koichi Sato. But I haven't watch 最後の忠臣蔵. I want to watch it. And do you have any reccomend movies that he apears?

  2. Hi, I'm Miyuki. His suit becomes him very much! I want to watch "最後の忠臣蔵".

  3. Hi, I'm Yuka. I like Koichi Sato very very much!! I think so, he is very cool. I like ザ・マジックアワー very much! He played the part of funny person in the play. So, I like this movie!

  4. Hi, this is Ms. MacGregor. He looks like he needs a shave. I have seen him in a lot of shows when his face is well-shaven. As you said, he still looks like a young man - his acting career can be long thanks to that. Could you write the romaji version of the Japanese words in your blog too?

    1. Thank you for your comment. The first Japanese 東北工科大学(tohokukokadaigaku) is an university. The second Japanese 釣りバカ日誌(tsuribakanisshi) is a very famous movie in Japan. The last Japanese 最後の忠臣蔵(saigonochushingura) is a movie that Koichi Sato appears. I like his face well-shaven too.

  5. Hi, I'm Kyoka. I watched his acting in movies. I want to watch 最後の忠臣蔵. I watch him recently in car commercial!
